Bargaining Update: June 24, 2022

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USW/Republic Steel Bargaining 

Your Bargaining Committees have met with the company all week to discuss the issues you all shared were important on the surveys that were completed including language, safety and scheduling. 

Your Union is preparing a comprehensive proposal to present to the Company that will reflect the discussions, but most importantly reflect your concerns from those surveys. 

How do we get a good contract with the company? 

Bargaining helps balance power between the Local Union(s) and Republic Steel, but doesn’t guarantee results we want — it only guarantees both parties the right to advocate for their interests. 

In order to get a fair contract that addresses our needs, we need to build and use our collective power. 

Our ability to achieve our bargaining goals and strengthen our contract is directly tied to our solidarity – our determination and willingness to work together collectively across all departments and all shifts to achieve our goals. 

Showing our solidarity improves our ability to address our issues in negotiations and is a decisive factor in shaping the final contract. Sharing information and taking part in solidarity activities sends a message to management that we are unified in our goal for a fair contract. 

Your future depends on YOUR participation! 

Text Republic to 47486 for the latest news from bargaining.