Allies & Partners
What do pro-football players and movie stars like Leonardo DiCaprio have in common with the USW? Why are environmentalists and labor activists working together? How does the USW help sportsmen while also fighting for worker justice in Colombia, China, Africa and elsewhere? The answers can be found in a variety of partnerships and alliances such as the Blue-Green Alliance, the first truly global union and the National College Players Association.
Click below to get information about the Steelworkers working hand-in-hand with partners and allies around the world.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a voluntary federation of 56 national and international labor unions, including the United Steelworkers (USW.)
The AFL-CIO union movement represents 10.5 million members, including 2 million members in Working America, its new community affiliate. We are teachers and truck drivers, musicians and miners, firefighters and farm workers, bakers and bottlers, engineers and editors, pilots and public employees, doctors and nurses, painters and laborers—and more.
Alliance for American Manufacturing
The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) is a unique non-partisan, non-profit partnership forged to strengthen manufacturing in the U.S. AAM brings together a select group of America's leading manufacturers and the United Steelworkers. Our mission is to promote creative policy solutions on priorities such as international trade, energy security, health care, retirement security, currency manipulation, and other issues of mutual concern.
Alliance for Retired Americans
The Alliance for Retired Americans is a nationwide organization, founded in May 2001, with three million members working together to make their voices heard in the laws, policies, politics, and institutions that shape our lives. Over the past 10 years, we have grown to four million members with a primary objective to enroll and mobilize retired union members and other seniors and community activists into a nationwide grassroots movement advocating a progressive political and social agenda that respects work and strengthens families.
A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI)
A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin forged an alliance between the civil rights movement and the labor movement. They recognized that blacks and working people of all colors share the same goals: political and social freedom and economic justice. This Black-Labor Alliance helped the civil rights movement achieve one of its greatest victories - passage of the Voting Rights Act, which removed the last remaining legal harriers to broad black political participation. Inspired by this success, Randolph and Rustin founded A. Philip Randolph Institute in 1965 to continue the struggle for social, political and economic justice for all working Americans.
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA)
Founded in 1992, APALA is the first and only national organization of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers, most of who are union members, and our allies advancing worker, immigrant and civil rights. Since its founding, APALA has played a unique role in addressing the workplace issues of the 660,000 AAPI union members and in serving as the bridge between the broader labor movement and the AAPI community. APALA is dedicated to promoting political education and voter registration programs among AAPIs, and to the training, empowerment, and leadership of AAPIs within the labor movement and APA community. Furthermore, APALA works to defend and advocate for the civil and human rights of AAPIs, immigrants and all people of color, and continues to develop ties within international labor organizations, especially in the Asia-Pacific Rim.
Blue Green Alliance
Both working people and environmentalists have a stake in building the new, green economy. Transforming our economy through renewable energy, energy efficiency, mass transit and rail, a new smart grid and other solutions to global warming, has the potential to create millions of jobs, while reducing global warming emissions and moving America toward energy independence.
The Blue Green Alliance is a national, strategic partnership between labor unions and environmental organizations dedicated to expanding the number and quality of jobs in the green economy.
Launched in 2006 by the United Steelworkers and the Sierra Club, this unique labor-environmental collaboration has grown to include the Communications Workers of America (CWA), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA), Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) and the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association. The Blue Green Alliance unites more than eight and a half million people in pursuit of good jobs, a clean environment and a green economy.
The Blue Green Alliance works on issues ranging from energy and climate change to transportation to workers' rights and green chemistry. Specifically, BGA is working to:
- Pass comprehensive clean energy and climate change legislation that is based on two overriding principles - the best scientific advice on reduction targets and solutions that create and save millions of American jobs;
- Restore the rights of workers in the United States to organize and bargain collectively;
- Establish a 21st Century trade policy that promotes growth and prosperity across all sectors of global society, and embeds enforceable labor, environmental, and human rights standards in our trade agreements; and
- Create an informed 21st century policy on toxic chemicals that protects workers and communities from dangerous chemicals, enhances public health and promotes safer alternatives.
The Blue Green Alliance accomplishes this work through:
- Comprehensive Climate Change and Energy Legislation. BGA advocates for its recent global warming legislative principles, which expresses support for an economy-wide cap-and-trade system.
- Renewable Electricity and Energy Efficiency Standards' Campaigns. In partnership with dozens of other advocacy organizations and businesses, BGA promotes the passage of state and federal legislation mandating the production of renewable electricity.
- Employee Free Choice Campaign. BGA advocates for the expansion of workers' rights in the United States through passage of the Employee Free Choice Act.
- Transportation Act Reauthorization. BGA advocates for transportation investments that create green jobs in freight rail, high-speed rail and other infrastructure projects that contribute to solving global warming.
The Blue Green Alliance Foundation is working to educate the public about the job-creating potential of environmental investments, including solutions to global warming, with programs including:
- The annual Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference, which took place in Washington, D.C. in 2009, brought together labor, environmental, business, academic, political and social justice leaders to share research and ideas for achieving a refashioned, green economy.
- Labor Climate Project. In partnership with former Vice President Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection, the Blue Green Alliance Foundation is working with union members across the country to educate blue-collar constituencies about the urgency and solvability of global warming and how its solutions can revitalize our economy and create good, union jobs.
- State-based Blue Green Alliance Chapters. The Blue Green Alliance Foundation and the local chapters of its national partners are working in states around the country on climate change, workers' rights, clean energy job creation, fair trade and green chemistry. For more information on chapter work go to our State Pages.
- Economic Development Programs. The Blue Green Alliance Foundation works with cities and states on implementing green-jobs strategies, such as the Twin Cities' Mayors Green Manufacturing Initiative.
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU)
Since the earliest days of this nation when democracy was built on racial exploitation, black workers have risked their lives to protect and empower their communities through agitation, collective action and faith. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists proudly carries that tradition into the 21st century.
CBTU is not a black separatist or civil rights organization. It is the fiercely independent voice of black workers within the trade union movement, challenging organized labor to be more relevant to the needs and aspirations of Black and poor workers.
Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)
The Coalition of Labor Union Women is America's only national organization for union women. Formed in 1974, CLUW is a nonpartisan organization within the union movement. The primary purpose of CLUW is to unify all union women in a strong organization to determine and seek remedies to our common problems and concerns and to develop action programs within the framework of the labor movement to effectively promote our objectives.
Interfaith Worker Justice
Who we are
The Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) network of more than 60 affiliated groups includes both local interfaith committees and worker centers. Interfaith committees typically bring local religious and labor leaders together to educate and advocate for workers’ issues. Worker centers organize and serve low-wage, non-union workers in a local community.
We advocate
We are on the ground in D.C., working with partners and allies to influence the national conversation on our core issues: Wage theft, Jobs, Paid Sick Days and Workplace Standards, and protecting the right of workers to stick together in Labor Unions. But we are also at work, with and through our affiliates, to pass pro-worker legislation at the local and state level. And, with a growing network of E-Advocates, working to influence both government and corporate policies, our voice just keeps getting stronger.
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
LCLAA is the leading national organization for Latino/a workers and their families. LCLAA was born out of the need to educate, organize and mobilize Latino/as in the labor movement and has expanded its influence to organize Latino/as in an effort to impact workers’ rights and their influence in the political process. LCLAA represents the interest of more than 2 million Latino/a workers in the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), The Change to Win Federation, independent unions, and all their affiliate unions.
National College Players Association (NCPA)
The National College Players Association is a group started by UCLA football players that serves as a powerful advocacy group for college athletes across the nation. Since its first press conference on Jan. 18, 2001, the NCPA has established itself as the voice for college athletes. The NCPA mission is to provide the means for college athletes to voice their concerns and change NCAA rules.
Pride At Work
Pride At Work is a nonprofit organization that represents LGBTQ union members and their allies. We are an officially recognized constituency group of the AFL-CIO that organizes mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community to further social and economic justice. We seek full equality for LGBTQ Workers in our workplaces and unions. We work towards creating a Labor Movement that cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety & dignity. We aim to educate the LGBTQ Community about the benefits of a union contract for LGBTQ working people, and to build support and solidarity for the union movement in the LGBTQ community.
Sierra Club
Transportation Trades Department (TTD)
The Transportation Trades Department, founded in April 1990, is an umbrella organization of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). TTD represents the interests of several million aviation, rail, transit, trucking, highway and longshore workers before Congress, the Executive Branch and independent government agencies. Through TTD, the working men and women who are represented by the Department's 32 member unions have a strong, united voice in Washington, D.C.
Union Sportsmen Alliance (USA)
Union Sportsmen’s Alliance is North America's premier hunting and fishing association of conservation-minded union members who hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors. The USA gives you the opportunity to join with fellow union sportsmen to create a better future for hunting and fishing, while providing money-saving deals and other great benefits that are sure to get your heart pumping.
Planning a hunting or fishing trip? Interested to know if the weather will be good or how long it will take to travel there. We have all the information you’ll need to make this a great outing.
From the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance Web site you can map-out trips, get state-by-state regulations, visit state DNR websites, and buy your license right over the internet.
Union Veterans Council
The AFL-CIO launched its first-ever Union Veterans Council in July 2008 to bring together union veterans on the issues that matter most to veterans, their families and working men and women.
The purpose of the Union Veterans Council is to bring together union leaders and union members who are veterans to speak out on veterans’ issues and influence public policy to improve the quality of life for U.S. veterans and their families. The two primary areas of focus for veterans are access to good jobs and access to quality health care.
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)
United Students Against Sweatshops is a grass roots student run organization, and has been a close ally of the Steelworkers in the past six years. Steelworkers and USAS students have worked together to win campaigns on universities and fight destructive policy in Washington DC.
In the summer of 1998 USAS was founded based on the idea that universities play a role in propping up the global sweatshop system. In the summer of 1998, USAS had it’s first summer conference with 30 schools represented. Students knew that their universities had the power to demand that apparel bearing their logo be made in a factory where workers rights are protected.
Students demanded that their universities adopt codes of conduct for licensees—the people who rent out university logos for apparel production (Nike, Champion, etc.) In the following school year students fought with administration to make their universities adopt codes of conduct. Administration was, naturally, non-responsive a wave of sit-ins ensued ensuring that some of the most important universities in the country adopted codes of conduct. Students at University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin: Madison, Georgetown, and Duke all occupied presidents’ offices.
In July of 1999, over 200 students gathered in Washington, DC for the second Sweat-Free Campus Conference. Here, students decided to develop a code of conduct monitoring system, since codes of conduct are worthless if they are not monitored and enforced. It was at this conference that students drafted a proposal for an independent monitoring system that was paid for by universities and governed by students. The Workers Rights Consortium, as it was later called, developed out of this idea and commitment to workers rights and university accountability.
Another wave of direct action came about next year to push universities to join the new independent monitoring body. Once again, student power and solidarity prevailed. Students at Purdue University in West Lafayette Indiana went on hunger strike for eleven days, and eventually the university administration gave in to their demands. The students at Purdue worked closely with the Steelworkers, and on the tenth day of the hunger strike, hundreds of Steelworkers called the president of Purdue demanding an end to the hunger strike.