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Education. Activism. Service.
Women of Steel is an activist-arm of the USW that evolved from the early women’s caucuses that demanded that women have their rightful place in our union. The USW Constitution requires that each local union with female members establish a Local Union Women’s Committee. All female-identifying members of the USW are considered Women of Steel regardless of their union position or the industry or service they work in; some are activists, and some serve on their local’s Women’s Committee.
Read the most recent issue of Women of Steel News and access our previous editions.
Read about the hazards and health issues specific to women workers, ideas for taking action in local unions, tools and other resources.
To continue the march toward full equality, Women Steelworkers gathered at the 2018 International/National Women’s Conference to commit ourselves to act, individually and together within our union, on important issues.
Click for the full report gathered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor in March 2022 on how overrepresentation in undervalued jobs disadvantaged women during the pandemic.
The Commission on the Status of Women is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives around the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF WORKING WOMEN has captured the priorities of nearly 25,000 working women who are politically engaged and poised to take action in their communities, their unions and at the voting booth.
For Paige Cisco of Local 689, fighting for workers’ health and safety is what motivates her every day. She is using that passion to educate her fellow members and be a mentor for the next generation.
Prior to getting hired at Arconic, Tonya Clark worked in home healthcare where she served some of the most vulnerable community members. Now, she is grateful to lend a hand via her union that feels like home.
When Janet Baic first started working at Tenaris Algoma Tubes in 2013, she was only one of a handful of women. Now, in 2024, an influx of women at the plant is bringing a sense of revival to Local 9548’s Women of Steel committee.
Renee Hough has been a member of Local 1557 at U.S. Steel Clairton Coke Works for 27 years. She works as a utility technician, or loader; it’s a job that Hough loves and that came along at the right time, and saved her life.
Randie Pearson
Director, USW Women of Steel
(419) 779-0446