Bargaining Update: July 5, 2022

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Bargaining continues tomorrow; How can you help us achieve a Fair Contract?

Our Bargaining Committee resumes contract negotiations with Republic Steel tomorrow, Wednesday, July 6. The company is expected to give us a counter to our proposal from June 24th. Our Union also proposed to the company additional dates in July to meet. These dates are: July 13th-18th-20th-22nd-25th-27th-29th. We’re still waiting for the company to respond.

As we head back to the bargaining table, make sure you understand how the process works, and how you can help us in the fight for a Fair Contract.

Why is having a contract important?

Bargaining a contract is the best way to ensure we have a strong and united voice about our working conditions. A contract means that management cannot decide on their own to cut wages and benefits, fire employees, play favorites, or make other changes that can harm us, and it provides us with an effective way to challenge actions the employer takes.

When does our contract expire?

Our contract expires on August 15, 2022.

Which local unions are involved?

The USW represents over 500 members under one master agreement at Republic Steel facilities in Ohio and New York.

Local 1104-10 in Lorain, OH; Local 1124-02 in Massillon, OH; Local 1200 in Canton, OH, and Local 2603 in Lackawanna, NY.

How do negotiations work?

They take place at the bargaining table where representatives from Republic and our Union come together to put forth and discuss proposals that address our issues.

The goal is to reach a tentative agreement that will be submitted to union members for approval.

What kinds of proposals are discussed?

Generally, contract proposals fall into one of two categories:

  1. Economic proposals, such as wages, paid time off, health insurance, pensions or Sickness and Accident (S&A) benefits, or
  2. Non-economic items, such as safety standards, seniority, and the grievance and arbitration procedure.

What can I do to ensure we get a good contract?

Stay informed: Sign up for text updates. Look for announcements and materials from members in your work area.

Be prepared to participate in solidarity actions like wearing a sticker or putting up a sign to show Republic we are united and we support our bargaining committee!

Text Republic to 47486 for the latest news from bargaining.