Bargaining Update: July 15, 2022

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New proposals exchanged; Union waiting for Republic to respond.

Our USW Bargaining Committee met with Republic again this past Wednesday, July 13. During the Negotiations session, our Union gave the company a counter-proposal that tackles the issues you said were important in the Bargaining Surveys.

We return to the bargaining table this upcoming Monday, July 18, when the company should be responding to our proposal.

Our Union has made themselves available to meet with Republic next week and the week of July 25th. We’re still waiting on the company to confirm the rest of the dates.

As negotiations progress, make sure you have signed up to receive text message updates about our contract negotiations.

Stay tuned for more information about our contract negotiations and how you can support our fight for a Fair Contract!

Text Republic to 47486 for the latest news from bargaining.