June 8, 2021: USW/ATI Bargaining Bulletin #25

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ATI claims they want to settle, but talk is “cheap”

On May 27th ATI told us at the bargaining table that they no longer were “hell bent” on their demand for employees to pay health care premiums. Their plan was to offer USW represented employees a fully-insured health care plan that would allow them to control future costs.

We told ATI that although the union was skeptical that their plan would be cost effective for the company in the long run, we were willing to listen. We also reminded the company that we have more issues in our unfair labor practice strike than just health care—issues such as profit sharing, economic security and retirement security.

Now almost two (2) weeks later, ATI finally contacted us today and said they were ready to present their plan tomorrow. 

At the recent shareholder meeting, executive management stated that their priority was to shareholder value and their commitment to the leadership of their board, but there was no mention of rewarding hourly workers for their years of sacrifice and commitment.

No mention that without USW workers and our contributions there would be no stockholder value. To management it seems the only assets they care about is their dividends and return on capital, but not human capital.

From the outset of negotiations, our goal has been to achieve a fair contract that rewards Steelworkers for years of sacrifice with reasonable wage increases and a premium-free, quality health care plan.

The company has accumulated a half-billion dollars in cash, rewarded top executives with millions in annual salaries and given its directors major increases in compensation.

We deserve our fair share and a fair contract now!

We’ll provide an update after negotiations tomorrow. 

Stay strong! Stay united! Our solidarity and determination will prevail!

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