Trump’ State of the Union Address: Trade Rhetoric Heavy, but Not Many Accomplishments to Speak Of

President Trump, in his first State of the Union address, mentioned both trade and manufacturing policy, but did not delve into specifics despite outstanding trade cases like the Section 232 investigation into steel imports. 

Said Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) President Scott Paul: 

"While I’m pleased the president touched on trade and manufacturing in his State of the Union address, rhetoric alone doesn’t translate into policy. For instance, we’ve been waiting since April for relief from steel imports. President Trump could act on the Section 232 investigation tomorrow.

"Meanwhile, China has yet to make a meaningful concession on its state-led mercantilism, despite two meetings between presidents Trump and Xi. This speech won’t change China’s behavior and defend American jobs. Only action will. It’s time for the president’s policies and actions to match his talk."


From the AAM

Posted In: Allied Approaches, From Alliance for American Manufacturing