An Agenda for Working People

From the AFL-CIO

Working people are fighting every day for the freedom to have a voice on the job, share in the wealth we help create and live better lives. We are united around an agenda to secure our economic future, including:

  • A good job for everyone in America who wants to work, which means—the freedom to negotiate together with your employer, a $15 minimum wage and economic policies that support full employment.
  • Health care as a right—starting with ending the attacks on working people’s health plans and expanding Medicare to cover everyone 55 and older.
  • Retirement security for all—beginning with expanding Social Security.
  • Investing in a future of good jobs with a multitrillion infrastructure program with labor standards and Buy America.
  • A fair tax system—starting with ending all tax breaks for offshoring jobs.
  • Trade that works for working people—starting with ending special corporate courts and making labor rights enforceable.

An end to terrorizing immigrant workers—restoring Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals protections and comprehensive reform with a path to citizenship.


Posted In: From AFL-CIO, Union Matters