February Update from SOAR President Bill Pienta

SOAR Members and Chapters are in for a Busy Year in 2020

Recently, SOAR chapters received notification for the Thirteenth International SOAR Conference. Chapters, who are eligible, will be holding elections this month (February) to designate their delegates to represent their chapter. For those SOAR chapters who fall under the “At-Large” category, the Districts are responsible for determining who the At-Large delegates will be to represent their district at this event. (For additional info, see Appendix A, Article III, Section 2 of the SOAR By-Laws, which for your convenience is included on page 12 of this newsletter.)

Chapters will also be preparing resolutions to be considered by the Delegates of the Conference. Remember when submitting your resolutions, in order to be considered, the resolutions must be consistent with the policies of the USW. (See page 14 for additional information.)

By now, all chapters should have received a copy of the amended SOAR Articles of Association and By-Laws, which includes Chapter By-Laws used for running the chapter and the process used in holding chapter meetings. Please review this booklet and refer to it, as needed.

This document should also make clear that SOAR chapters cannot take a position on an issue or political candidate that is not supported by the USW International. Please stay in contact with your District this election season to avoid any problems that may arise.

All U.S. chapters are required to complete their annual “Chapter Financial Information Form,” recently distributed by Director Julie Stein. Please submit these forms to the SOAR office in Pittsburgh, in a timely manner, so that the International can file the necessary forms on behalf of SOAR, with the U.S. Government.

Also, I would like to ask each SOAR chapter to have a representative attend the union meeting of your home local to offer your chapter’s assistance and support on issues important to them. These meetings may be concerning this year’s election cycle or even support for one of their committees; like Next Gen or Women of Steel. If you no longer have an open local to support, adopt one, or go to a Labor Council or Alliance for Retired Americans meeting and ask how you can support their efforts in the community. 

We continue our efforts to add At-Large members into chapters, with hopes to increase the number of members and activists into chapters that may be lacking. Some of these At-Large members choose to remain a member of SOAR without the benefit of a chapter, because they still feel a benefit of belonging to our organization and a willingness to be involved. The chapters that were fortunate to gain new members from the At-Large group have an obligation to reach out to them, make them welcome, and offer them some way to stay involved and active in SOAR activities.

Press Inquiries

Media Contacts

Communications Director:
Jess Kamm at 412-562-6961

USW@WORK (USW magazine)
Editor R.J. Hufnagel

For industry specific inquiries,
Call USW Communications at 412-562-2442

Mailing Address

United Steelworkers
Communications Department
60 Blvd. of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222