Election 2016: Members Speak Out

Bob Ryan
District 11

Bob Ryan, 53, of Saint Paul, Minn., is the Rapid Response coordinator for District 11. He has been a union member for 37 years.

“This election is important to me for my kids, their future and America’s future.

“My kids are 20 and 21 and they need jobs. I have this vision of go away children, fly from the nest. But with the jobs they have right now, they’ll just fly right back an hour later.

“I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because I like her manufacturing plans. She has the right plan. She has said she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I came out of the paper industry, and saw how many jobs we are losing to foreign competition.

“She doesn’t support right-to-work (for less) legislation. In fact, she opposes it. She always has. That helps labor. National right to work would be an absolute disaster for us.

“Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage, and if you raise the minimum wage, you raise everybody’s wages above as well. Her next Supreme Court nominee would be beneficial I have to believe for us.

“To help the middle class, she actually has to restructure the tax code so that the middle class is not picking up the tab for millionaires, billionaires and Trumps. Although, I don’t think he’s a billionaire. He’s a liar.”


Posted In: Union Matters